I have contributed a custom Munny to the Milk Munny Show. All the proceeds go to keep-a-breast.org. Check it the details
Here is more information on the charity

Here is the name card. On the back, I printed out some instructions on how to change his battery.

My contribution is a little 7 inch Munny that I call, Netifer. He is the Lord of the Underweb. More on his origins below.

Netifer has an crystal heart and eyes that can light up with the flick of a switch.

He is the nemesis of the technology god.

I was inspired by reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I read about a god of technology, and I thought that there should also be a techno devil.

Netifer is the demon who inspires the creation of computer viruses and technical glitches.

At best, he is annoying and can cause applications to crash and users to lose work due to computer failures and errors.

At his worst, Netifer likes to devour data and sometimes destroys hard drives completely.

He inspires hackers to write viruses and malware. He can be found lurking in jpgs, video files, phishing schemes and certain email attachments and links.

Netifer has an insidious way of surviving. Once a virus is patched, he becomes a hacker's inspiration to become another virus or worm. He can also hide out in spyware or corrupted preferences.
Although Netifer is a horrible little demon or devil, he is being sacrificed to a good cause.
Thanks to
Red Hot Robot and Trevor of Acrylic Squid for putting on this show. If you will be in Arizona in October of 2010. You should try to catch the show and buy a Munny for a good cause.
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